News Releases
RTA Urges Riders to Prepare for Extreme Winter Weather
- December 21st, 2022
NEW ORLEANS - With extreme winter weather conditions forecasted to move through the region Thursday night, December 22, into the weekend, the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority (RTA) is preparing to make sure our riders and employees stay safe. RTA operations, customer service, and police personnel are taking steps to minimize delays and ensure service reliability and safety.
Riders are strongly advised to check or the RTA LePass app before traveling for up-to-minute service information before starting their trip.
Residents are also encouraged to take precautions to protect themselves by staying inside during extremely cold weather conditions. If residents must go outside, dress in layers to stay warm, wear a hat and cover exposed skin.
The City of New Orleans will provide additional services to help everyone prepare for the weather, including opening warming centers beginning Thursday, December 22 at 6 PM. The 9 Broad-Napoleon stops at the Joe Brown Recreational Center and Rosenwald Recreational Center for residents needing a ride to an overnight warming center. The 114A Garden Oaks – Sullen or the 103 General Meyer Local will provide service to the Cut-Off Recreational Center in Algiers. Visit for weather updates and resources from the city.
RTA will continue to monitor the weather conditions across the Greater New Orleans region. Anyone needing assistance with trip planning can contact the RTA Rideline at 504-248-3900.
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